Indulgence refers to indulgence, lack of restraint, not following the rules, and being impolite. Dreaming of indulgence means you will encounter a picky partner who will make you unable to bear it, blame you easily, and therefore be dissatisfied with life.
If you dream of excessive indulgence in love or passion for other things, it indicates that you will be ill, lose the respect of others, and suffer property loss. After a woman dreams like this, she will lose her lover, which makes family and friends very unhappy.
If you dream of excessively indulging in your intelligence, in other words, you are overly stubborn and will pursue absurd knowledge, which is of no benefit to you and also causes friends to feel pain and dissatisfaction.
If you dream of excessively using your intelligence, you are interested in some absurd knowledge, however, this is of no benefit to you and will also make friends feel pain and dissatisfaction.